The Fairies had their Tiffs with the Birds, Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Tiffs with the Birds

Plate 11: The Fairies Had Their Tiffs with the Birds

13 inches by 16 inches. $108

Arthur Rackham

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, 1906

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens was originally part of an earlier work, The Little White Bird by J.M. Barrie. The Peter Pan chapters were extracted and published as a separate work in 1906. The color plates to Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens by Arthur Rackham made the book immediately popular, and drew attention to Rackham, who was not well-known before then.

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Peter Playing the Flute. Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Peter Playing a Flute

Plate 30: The fairies sit round on mushrooms, and at first they are well-behaved.

13 inches by 19 inches. $108

Solomon Caw Reads a Map, Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Solomon Caw Reads a Map

Plate 18: Preposterous Cried Solomon Caw in a Rage

13 inches by 17 inches. $108

 They all tickled him on the shoulder, Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Tickled by Fairies

Plate 34: They all tickled him on the shoulder.

13 inches by 17 inches. $108

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Wallflower Juice, Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Wallflower Juice

Plate 32

19 inches by 13 inches. $108

An elderberry hobbled across the walk, 
and stood chatting with some young quinces, Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Elderberry Visit

Plate 39: An elderberry hobbled across the walk, and stood chatting with some young quinces

19 inches by 13 inches. $108

Joy of a Falling Leaf, Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Joy of a Falling Leaf

Plate 6: There is almost nothing that has such keen sense of fun as a fallen leaf.

19 inches by 13 inches. $108

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The Serpentine is a lovely lake, and there is a drowned forest at the bottom of it. If you peer over the edge you wcan see the trees all growing upside down, and they say that at night there are drowned stars in it. Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, 1906

The Serpentine Is a Lovely Lake

Plate 7: The Serpentine is a lovely lake, and there is a drowned forest at the bottom of it. If you peer over the edge you wcan see the trees all growing upside down, and they say that at night there are drowned stars in it.

13 inches by 19 inches. $108

They Will Mischief You. Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

They Will Mischief You

Plate 26: Exquisite Fairy Dancing

13 inches by 19 inches. $108

Exquisite Fairy Dancing. Arthur Rackham, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Fairy Dancing

Plate 26: Exquisite Fairy Dancing

13 inches by 19 inches. $108

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